Get Involved

All memberships, event tickets, and fundraiser purchases are done through the platform, Givebacks. Visit or click on the buttons below to purchase.

Join in on the action!

Become a PTA Member

There is no commitment required with your membership, but without parents joining the PTA is not able to function and achieve its purpose. Clink the button below and become a member for the 2024-2025 school year.

Membership in a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) can provide a variety of benefits, including opportunities to get involved in your child's school and community: 

Join A Committee

If you would like to commit some of your time, the PTA has numerous committees and events in need of volunteers this school year. We have a bunch of fun things planned and can use all the help we can get! Your level of commitment can be anything from picking up snacks for bingo night, to decorating for a school dace. Click the button below to be taken to the Committee Form and pick from the list of committees you are interested in helping with.

Become a Room Parent!

Check out our Room Parent Page for more info on how you can make your child's school year one to remember!

calling all 5th grade parents

If you are a parent of a 5th grade student help make their last year one to remember! Join the 5th Grade Committee by clicking the button bellow and heading to their page.